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An VR+AR education assistance system for the student in the Metaverse.

Project Brief 

Knovo is a project that we envision how future metaverse immersive experiences could empower the future education system. We spend a lot of time as a group researching future trends in numerous fields and envisioning the ideal metaverse in order to identify potential technologies and conduct research that will support our futuristic design concept. 





After Effect





Client based



My Role

UI/UX Design & 3D Design

  • Conducted market research on emerging technologies in the future and the development trend of the VR/AR market.​ 

  • Conducted user interviews and surveys on target users to understand their pain points in current education.

  • Developed paper prototypes, design system guidelines, and applied them to high-fidelity UI prototypes.

  • Discuss and design the appearance of 3D tools, render pictures to enhance the visual effect.

Design Challenge

What is the future of education will be like in 2035?

What is Knovo?

Knovo is an AR+VR school education assistance system with built-in reward system designed for students in Metaverse. It provides customized assignments based on both student’s school curriculum and personal interests generated by artificial intelligence. It not only helps students to easily review learned knowledge from classes and apply them in real contexts with the peer in a gamified manner, but also let them explore new subjects and possible future career interests.

Interest discovery, future career planning.

Knovo analyzes the individual characteristics of each student. Help students discover their interests. Generate future career-related courses for students starting from their interests.

Learn from a three-dimensional perspective

Innovate on the traditional 2-dimensional image teaching. Knovo provide 3d learning tools to help students better understand the course knowledge.

Peer coach and real-time communication

Knovo can provide online peer coaches, allowing students to collaborate with each other remotely to solve problems together.


3D interactive tool box

Use gestural interactions to control the toolbox, enabling students to quickly select the tools they need during the learning process.

Get rewards for completing task

As students complete tasks, Knovo will display updates of the learning progress bar and congratulation animations as rewards to motivate students to learn more.

The Process

How did we get there?

Background Research

What do we think the Metaverse is today?


A fully immersive virtual reality that have basic characteristics of our real world.

Digital civilization

An ultimate digital civilization that fullfills people's current daily physical activities.


Decentralized property rights and economic system based on blockchain.

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For us, the metaverse should be...

The parallel digital reality where people explore possible improvements and solve real-world, macro-to-micro problems in a more free context.

Future casting

What will the future be like?

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Future casting

Ideation about future metaverse

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Design Challenge

How do we imagine a better education system within the metaverse?

Trend research

Casual layered analysis (CLA)

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Trend research

Trend research about future education

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Key elements in Knovo

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System Diagram

Student Life Experience

System Diagram

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System Diagram

Student Learning experience

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User Persona

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 User Scenario Version 1.0

We made a storyboard for the post final scenario video.

We initially set the scene to peer review of homework after students go home from school.

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Design Prototype

Design Iterations of Knovo. 

Information architecture

Learn, Practice, and Rewards.

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Low-fi Prototypes

In the low-fidelity model, we determined the main functions of knovo such as personal schedule, task review, career progress, peer mentor and so on.

And preliminary designed the sketch of the 3d learning tool. We want it to be a palm-sized and can be easily picked up.

Scale Testing

We take the form of 3d interface + 3d teaching tools to create a immersive learning experience.


We create paper prototype and laser cut stitching model and real hand size to test and determine the scale of the products.

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User Testing & Mid-fi Prototype

Through user testing, we received some feedback such as users wanting to have online invitation prompts, courses of different levels, peer progress bars, and so on.

In terms of 3d learning tools, users want to intuitively understand the meaning of different cubes, so we added a model of object representation in the upper part of the learning cube.

Hign-fi Prototype (2D)

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Final Hign-fi Prototype (3D)


Full Scenario Video Demo

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